Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ah, Samvega

Yesterday there was a strange luminosity in the apartment, one of those days when the weather kept doing unpredictable things. It feels as though it has been raining for a week, but I was lucky enough to get some quick photos.

Because I'm totally ahead of the curve (Massachusetts obligatory eye roll here) I decided to learn how to knit this year. The theme? Mindfulness. Drawing at the end of the night has always been a struggle for me... if I hit upon something I like my night-owl senses kick in, and staying up until 3 or 4 a.m. is not always (ever) practical. Knitting, for me, is much more relaxing. It has been a long time since I learned something new (printmaking excluded: a linear art) and I'm delighting in it.

I am sorry to say I'm a hardcore picky eater. So much so that a couple years ago my exclusions were getting so out of hand I was pretty worried. But recently there has been a lot of new (probably common to most) yummy foods I've been able to try, and work into meals with vigor! Any kind of real travel or international flexibility just seemed impossible before. What a relief! Having a goal really does change your perspective! This was added to some other fresh veggies for a delicious stir-fry lunch... just looking at those bean sprouts again makes my mouth water...

Even the fine detail with the Gocco finally showed up in photos. Sheesh. Then the clouds rolled in again.
Oh well.
At least lunch was good. :)


Knittah said...

Glad we brought you over to the Knit Side! Mwahahahahahahaha!

Behind ouou said...

that post was totally for you, knittah! i'm hooked! :P
