Sunday, April 20, 2008

*Oh, you.*

Yes, today will be the last day of the shop. It feels so strange to be closing down (although I haven't so much as listed or re-listed for a week) I don't really know what to say. I owe my wonderful readers and friendly customers a debt of gratitude for all the support, as well as the helping me meet the exciting goal of 300 sales by the end of April!
Woo hoo!

Since all of the initial designs for the shop sprung up while I was in-between homes, living on my Uncle's couch in Manhattan before moving here (thank you Uncle Donald! and also for putting up with the smell of Sharpie Markers for so long!) I have no doubt that another move will harbor good things and invite a revival of creative energies.

As I've said, the blog will keep going (and I'll let you know if there are any temporary openings along the way) through the transitions. Hopefully ouou will be back on the scene as early as July.

I'll leave this post with a shout out to the unstoppable Mollie Johanson, who has a brilliantly colorful and adorable shop on Etsy well worth the visit, and who was kind enough to put together this lovely treasury. Follow her creative endeavors on her blog here! Thanks, Mollie- it was such a joy to find this the other day!


Mollie said...

Thanks, Laurie! Although closing your shop is necessary, it is sad...have a wonderful move though!

Behind ouou said...

Yay Mollie! Thank you, too, sweetness! :)
